Monday, March 8, 2010

The Joys of Home Owning...

Alright, here's a little rant...

Have I been crafting? Yes... tons... you wouldn't believe all the projects I haven't posted on! Why haven't I posted? Because uploading pics is a pain with my camera and it's sucking batteries dry like you wouldn't believe! Also, life gets in the way.

Secondly- giveaway? right? Yeah, well it sorta stinks because all of the post offices around here are open school hours... and I'm a teacher. Therefore, my lovely giveaway winners, you will be receiving your prizes next week when my break starts and I am free to ship and craft freely! (I will be including an apology goody as well for each of you- not that I've decided what that is yet!)

Thirdly, the meaning of this post, I have lived in my old little house for two years now. It was built in 1957 and is just under 1,000 sq. feet. It has a big yard and it makes me happy to come home to (though it could be much much more organized- side note to be added to break to do list for next week). Anyway, there were plumbing problems when I was in the process of buying the house and the realtor's repair guy fixed the copper pipes and that was a total Jerry Springer show drama, but we got it resolved and i bought my house.

Now... for two years I've had a drip... drip... drip... in the tub. I tried to find people to help me fix it, but no takers. SO! I got this awesome book...

And in it's awesomeness it told me how to repair a leaky faucet, that over this weekend decided to go from dripping to running water....

Except the hardware stores don't carry what I need!

So I put it back together...

HAHA! The water wouldn't shut off in the tub! Then when I got it rearranged again when I shut it off it made a terrible screeching sound in the pipes!!!

AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!So I turned off the main water supply! :(

Then I called in today and have been up since 6 making sub plans for my kiddos, pm sub plans for my assistant, and calling every plumbing supply complany possible.

I FOUND ONE! It's in the middle of downtown and about 30-40 minutes away, but they think they probably have the parts I need! So... I'm going to go to my mom's to shower, then drive myself to this place and see if I can get some home repairs done.

BTW... all of my repair time was spent sitting in the tub with my pet pom drinking the dripping water... I tried to get my mom to take a pic for my blog, but when she went to leave the room my pom took off with my wrench and my mom had to retrieve it instead! :(

(all pics found through google image search)

1 comment:

  1. it sounds as if your a girl with a plan. i like that, you can do it! it sounds like you may need a washer. but, i'm not great at plumbing troubles. i'll be waiting to hear the final score on the girl vs. the drip.


Thanks for sharing the love! :)

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