Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Blog Buttons


I cannot even begin to tell you the excitement I am feeling over the fact that I have made my own blog button! I saw them on everyone else's blogs and even grabbed a few (as you can see), but I could not find anyone who knew how to make one! Well my friends, I googled and came up with this website! It's easy to do and if you need a url for your photo just upload it to photobucket. Once it's on photobucket you can edit it and add all sorts of fun text, decorations, and effects! You'll then copy the 'direct url' that is under the picture when you go to your album view into the button code. The only thing I suggest is that when you get the final code, delete out this- width="125" height="125". If you don't you end up with a tiny smooshed button! Have fun! (I certainly am!)

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