Sunday, August 16, 2009

You Know You Have OCD When...

For the benefit of my own entertainment... you know you have OCD (the Obsessive Compulsive clinical kind) when...

1. you leave the flea market with the overwhelming need to find the nearest sink and wash your hands
2. you have to edit all of your blog posts to make sure the font is the same and unbold the ones you accidentally bolded
3. you stop and line up all the candles perfectly straight on your entertainment center
4. you refold and rotate the wash clothes because they didn't match the rest of the others folds
5. you have to get a different dress off the rack because the one you had picked up had a stitching of white thread that should have been gray

We won't even go into my nightly rituals that will start here in about five minutes, but these are my top five for the day.

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