Mama got a new laptop! Not exactly a happy story- my 5 year old Dell got blue screen of death and no one has been able to fix it or access any of the amazing printables I had just saved after backing up my hard drive on a cd. Boo. Luckily, tax check is coming and Walmart had an 18 months same as cash deal. Here's my new beauty:
After living in my house for soon to be three years I officially have a functional craft room! My male cat and my dogs have always been trouble makers so the only rooms that got any attention at all were the living room, bathroom, and kitchen because everything else was behind closed doors. Well, I worked hard this year and just got the kick in the rear I needed to come and finish up in here. Now I do need a few more containers and a couple boxes of stuff need to move out, but I can see floor! Can't wait to share pics with you all very soon!
P.S. Do you know how amazingly excited I was when I saw that THE Modge Podge Amy commented on my last post? Yeah... that was like the BloggyWood Walk of Fame...
I decided it needed help before I screamed. A hanging light wasn't an option because it's right in front of the freezer and because I'm sure a cat or two would try to take it out! So... I decided to make it look like stained glass:
At this step I just used that paint pen in the background and drew lines all over it. The yellow is where I started painting it in. I used dixie cups with a 1/4 of an inch of modge podge in them at the bottom and 7 drops of food coloring to get the color. Then I just dabbed the mixture on with a brush and filled in all my spaces!
This is my finished product! Oh, and I didn't have red food coloring so I mixed one part acrylic paint to one part modge podge and got the same effect as food coloring!
I'm participating in The Sketchbook Challenge hosted on their blog with a monthly theme. This month's theme was highly prized. I worked on this drawing for a week and a half at least. It's helped me also stick to my resolution t0 draw and craft more!
I started with the heart in the open cage because it symbolizes to me the most highly prized thing of all which is the freedom I have and I'm continually gaining as I overcome things from my past to become a stronger person. I used the words in the background to touch on the things and people who have supported me and helped me grow along the way :).