Sunday, August 18, 2013

My Classroom AKA My Second Home

My computer area.... those three letters are the wall are from my friend who was my Secret Santa one year at our previous school.  All were written in poem form and incorporated clipart of my favorite things.  They also gave much needed encouragement.

Close up of my teacher randomness.  The pink box holds a four year old chocolate Easter bunny... too cute to eat!

My teacher resources and attempt at organization.

Front of my desk with my remade wood box!  The red line on the floor is duct tape marking off the do not pass area for students. 

My view of my desk.

 Framed crayon letter K from my bestie Sarah.  Basket at the bottom holds my clipboards, basket on top holds "quiet animals" which I used to pass out to my quiet students when I pulled groups.

Turn in tub and carpet squares on part of a shelf I bought from Menards for $9.97!!!!

 My classroom- desks set up in 3s (I don't have a class, I'm a special education resource teacher.  The most students I have at one time are 20-30 for Success for 30 minutes, but with the back table and the desks and a few carpet squares all are happy!)  That is the rest of the green shelf!  I use it for my Smartboard projector because the kids kept moving the cart and the table it was on last year.... this thing totally stays in place.

Doors labeled with paper cut with my Silhouette.

Cubbies for student work.  Baskets on top holding materials for reading groups my assistant and I have during intervention time, and whisper phones.

Reading area.  Green line indicates that students may go in this area.

I love this!  It's a spinning book rack I got from a friend.  It holds all my leveled book sets!

Well- that's the best I've got of my room at a glance for the time being!  I didn't want to overload with photos!  That brown wood cabinet is actually full of drawers that I have labeled and organized with materials!  It's a hot commodity.  As is my semi circle table in the back of the room that I brought from my previous school. :)

Thursday, August 15, 2013

There's a Giveaway Goin' ONNNNN!!!!

Hey ya'll.  I'm advertising this month with Maria @ Agape Love Designs!   I'm a little late on this because live has been CRAY ZAY lately, but there's a kinda super awesome giveaway going on over there! 

Winner takes ALL, and here is what YOU could win:

~ $50 Shop Credit to Snappy Design Signs
~ $15 Shop Credit to any 1 of Agape Love Design's Current Sponsor's Shops
~  Custom Poppy Headband
Felt bow hair clip in choice of red, yellow, goldenrod, teal, light pink, maroon, or gray
~ Avon Mega Effects Mascara
~ Personalized wire name bracelet with choice of charms.

This giveaway is open to Residents of the US and Canada Only.  Apologies to all whom this excludes.

Head on over to Agape Love Designs to enter!

Facebook Linky Party!!!!

Hey everybody!  Welcome to my little random place in this world on Obsessive Creative Disorder!  In addition to this blog I have an etsy shop titled "A Place in This World".  It is full of little hair pretties and handmade jewelry and brooches.  I am adding more felt bow clips to the shop shortly!  In the meantime feel free to message me if you are interested in them for $2 a pop.  I just started back to work teaching after summer break so excuse the absence and randomness for the time being.  My blog follows all of my crafting randomness and my adventures as a 30 year old trying to figure things out and tame my three ring pet circus! Thanks for stopping by!  Leave a comment with your page, shop or blog so I can follow you too!

Please be sure to follow the rules!

1. First "Like" Each of the Hostess's Pages: Agape Love Designs | This is My Life | A Place in This World | Becoming Fabulous | A Little Piece of Me It is preferred that you "like" from your personal account as business pages dont "count". Each host will be visiting and following several pages as well.

2. Link up YOUR Business/fan page!!

3. Share this post on your facebook pages and encourage others to link up! The More links, the more exposure you get!

4. Stop by a few of the other pages linked up and let them know you are stopping by from the facebook fest & tag one or two of the hosts when you do so!

Please "like" the hostess' facebook pages linked in the first 5 spots, then link up your FACEBOOK pages only! Thanks!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Sneak Peek of my Classroom- FINALLY

So we started school this week.... I cannot even begin to count the number of bruises just above my knees from running into student desks LOL.  Here is a peek of my classroom... only two pics... then my phone died!
These are my classroom rules in my insect themed class (idea was found on Pinterest!):

These are reading comprehension skills posters with matching beanie babies!  Also found on Pinterest and purchased on Teachers Pay Teachers!
(The wood treasure chest I purchased unfinished at Joann's with a 40% off coupon and stained and sealed myself... it now holds prizes for my kiddos)

I also had this box that a friend gave me last year when she was moving on to another school.  It was too plain for me and needed a makeover!

Before starting I noticed a BUNNY in my back yard (teacher ADD).

 I decided to paint it red and put chalkboard paint on the back that will face the classroom and on the drawers!

 I also decided it needed a ladybug to complete the theme...
I took it to school and absolutely love it!  I have drawers labeled with what is inside and wrote my name on the back!

This is Charlie between coats of paint drying lol.

I promise to post more pics next week!  It was the first week back and things were INSANE!

Ballerina Doll for my Niece

So my little niece Emma loves all things pink, princesses, ballerinas, and crazy lol.  For her fourth birthday, I asked her what she wanted and she told me, "A ballerina and a car that goes backwards and forwards."  I took care of the ballerina part for her :).

(This is a typical self selected outfit which I would totally wear at 30 if it came in my size.)

I was originally going to make the doll form as well... but then I found a muslin doll form at JoAnn's that was ready for personalization so I snatched it up!  (I didn't take a picture and can't find it on their website).  The doll unfortunately had wires inside of it's arms and legs for posing so I performed a minor surgery and extracted all wires!

Back view:
To make the hair I wrapped fleece around the head, secured with a hair tie, and sewed around the hair line.  I then covered the hairband with a coordinating piece of elastic that matched the straps of the top I created.  After I secured the hair, I just took my scissors and cut long strips out of the fleece left over (I also trimmed off some excess so that it had an even end.)

To make the top I just wrapped fleece around the body to determine the size and then stitched the back.  I did end up cutting down a little under the arms.  I also added on the straps.  Everything is stretchy and four year old friendly since I eventually plan to make her more clothes.  The tutu was made using pinterest tutorials for a normal sized tutu- it took about an hour to make!  ACK!   The face is hand painted with fabric paint.  And the necklace is made of glow in the dark beads, but can be taken off and worn as a bracelet.

I couldn't figure out how to make shoes... Emma then requested "shews" so we are using these socks!

I spent $3.99 on these.... they wouldn't transfer for ANYTHING.  Thus why I had to hand paint.

Emma LOVES her doll.  She takes her everywhere.  It really only took me 2 hours start to finish and I am so happy with the end result!

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