Easy organization idea for necklaces:
All you need is a towel bar (I have two in my bathroom) and shower hooks:

My necklaces don't get tangled and I can easily find what I need!
AND..... update:
Summer To Do
I was catching up on the posts over at Love Stitched and was inspired by her Summer To Do post so I'm doing my own!
- go see my friend's daughter's dance recital X- she is AHHHMAZING
- spend my annual day in Nashville, Indiana with Sarah
- go in at least one new flea market X- Sarah and I discovered two, but only one was open!
- primer, paint, and glaze the kitchen table I sanded down in the garage-X reveal to come as soon as I get poly coat on it
- organize my fabric in the craft room X (yes, I consider this organized since it previously was all just thrown in a box)
- finish Charlie's puppy scrapbook X- in ONE day!!!
- paint something in the house (finish the bedroom, redo the baseboards- something!)
- give away some more things to Goodwill (including CLOTHES!)
- go through my massive shoe hoarding
complete 2graduate courses - add at least one new item to my shop
- post that tutorial I've mentioned previously for a giveaway
- ship out bracelets for the charity project my students participated in- FAIL, missed date in my insane rush to register for Graduate Courses
- finally finish and ship Miss Ashley over at the Shine Project her SMS Sweet Sailing necklace as seen in my shop as a thank you for inspiring me to go for it! (she is awesome, we love her, and if you need some inspiration for life- go check her out!)
- check out some of the sites downtown
- plant something X (my friend got me a hydrangea for my birthday!)
- play outside with Charlie X
- make a new dessert
- revisit Metamora, Indiana
- eat a hurry burger- you have to have one to understand
- take pictures of summer fun with friends!