Anyway- so what's my point? Well, back when I had a one bedroom apartment with immaculate closet space and numerous closets at that I had everything neatly organized at all times. Enter present day in my three bedroom house with the world's tiniest closets. You would think spare rooms would mean more organization... no, my brain cannot form to the new spaces except to fill it with more junk. So, it is my goal to start tomorrow to make the "crap" room back into a craft room, instead of the random landing place for crap. Then to whip the spare bedroom into shape to look like it is ready for a guest.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Cleaning of the mind, home, and body
Hey guys! So... as we all know I am a teacher. Like I live it, breathe it, sleep it... I leave most days between 7 and 7:30 during the school year and get home around 6:30 or 7. If you are wondering contract hours are 8:15-3:45. I however live more than 20 miles from where I work and it takes me 40 minutes to get there and then another 40 to get home... sometimes without traffic I can make it in 30.
Anyway- so what's my point? Well, back when I had a one bedroom apartment with immaculate closet space and numerous closets at that I had everything neatly organized at all times. Enter present day in my three bedroom house with the world's tiniest closets. You would think spare rooms would mean more organization... no, my brain cannot form to the new spaces except to fill it with more junk. So, it is my goal to start tomorrow to make the "crap" room back into a craft room, instead of the random landing place for crap. Then to whip the spare bedroom into shape to look like it is ready for a guest.
As I sit here, still awake at 3am and in serious need of a regular schedule, I am considering all of the thoughts running through my head. My goal is to clean up this house and then attempt to get myself back on track with some regular exercise and better eating. A clean house is definitely the first must though as I am distracted by it with every single sense. Hopefully, the furbabies cooperate! I cannot tell you the last time I really sat down and MADE something. There is just too much clutter and chaos for it right now!
Anyway- so what's my point? Well, back when I had a one bedroom apartment with immaculate closet space and numerous closets at that I had everything neatly organized at all times. Enter present day in my three bedroom house with the world's tiniest closets. You would think spare rooms would mean more organization... no, my brain cannot form to the new spaces except to fill it with more junk. So, it is my goal to start tomorrow to make the "crap" room back into a craft room, instead of the random landing place for crap. Then to whip the spare bedroom into shape to look like it is ready for a guest.
Friday, June 7, 2013
"Coffee" Date Friday
Well... of course if you were going to meet me to chat over a drink it probably wouldn't be coffee... It would be a soda or some fruity icee like drink... or if I had to suffer through the coffee smell of a Starbucks it would be the only coffee free drink on their menu :). Then we would start with you finding out about my total distaste for coffee... including its smell. You would probably think that's odd since I'm a teacher and I hate mornings... but I'm a weird one :P. I'm sure you would get a good laugh out of it.
Depending on my mood I would either be wearing one of the may cute dresses I have a closet full of or just a pair of jeans and a tshirt with some kind of coordinating jewelry. I would be showered, with my hair smoothed and combed to the side and my makeup completely done like every morning. because. I. can't. leave. the. house. without. any. of. these. things. :) I would tell you about how Macey has woke me up barking every morning around 8 because the neighbor is reroofing his house and garage. It keeps me grumpy and off schedule which is why I was up until after 3am Friday morning unable to sleep.
I would share with you that my friend who I used to teach with is in the hospital still, recovering from sudden heart failure and that she was without oxygen for 7 minutes and remembers Heaven. There would probably be tears in my eyes because she is an amazing human being and lights up a room the minute she enters. Everyone who has ever met her is so thankful for her miraculous recovery that continues every day.
I would tell you about how I prayed long and hard and turned over a big decision in my life to God. How I feel saddened and upset still by knowing that I will no longer be in charge over several of the children I have had for the last two years next year. I asked to move from special education to a fourth grade classroom position, but did not get it. I looked online at the school I student taught at and contacted someone else about possible openings. I felt like I needed a change. But God turned me in a different direction. The openings in the school I student taught at were filled by the next day, openings were offered to others, and when thinking for a long time I realized that it might be okay to try out this new change and see how everything settles next year as so many other things change in the education world.
I would ask you if you had any summer plans and share with you my hopes of going on adventures to Metamora, Nashville Indiana, Bargersville, and hopefully to discover a few other new places. I'd tell you about how I just went to Midland Arts and Antiques for the first time and how HUGE the building was. It was full to the brim of old stuff and odds and ends that were mostly priced insanely high. I might even tell you about the lady that followed me to find out what perfume I was wearing and where I got it from LOL!
I'd tell you that in reflecting last night I realized this year has been a hard one. I lost a dear friend and former coworker to cancer, a former student to Cystic Fibrosis at only 15, had one of my "work mama's" retire, lost my cat of 17 years, and have had difficult changes take place in my school life that are still seeping to my core. This year has been rough- but I feel like my faith in God has grown stronger and my patience with myself. My house still looks like a beginning of hoarders :) not really, it's just clutter that needs put away, but I would not even try to convince you that I've become more domesticated or grown up. I still consider microwave mac and cheese a meal.
Anyway, when we were all done I might give you a hug... We would make plans to meet up again over the summer sometime and to keep in touch. We would smile and wave and drive back to our little lives to cook up new adventures for the rest of the day. And I would be thankful for having yet another amazing friend.
And... btw... I cannot figure out how to embed my pins now so that this has pictures.... :( Anybody got any hints to help a girl out?
I'm linking up to Alissa @
Depending on my mood I would either be wearing one of the may cute dresses I have a closet full of or just a pair of jeans and a tshirt with some kind of coordinating jewelry. I would be showered, with my hair smoothed and combed to the side and my makeup completely done like every morning. because. I. can't. leave. the. house. without. any. of. these. things. :) I would tell you about how Macey has woke me up barking every morning around 8 because the neighbor is reroofing his house and garage. It keeps me grumpy and off schedule which is why I was up until after 3am Friday morning unable to sleep.
I would share with you that my friend who I used to teach with is in the hospital still, recovering from sudden heart failure and that she was without oxygen for 7 minutes and remembers Heaven. There would probably be tears in my eyes because she is an amazing human being and lights up a room the minute she enters. Everyone who has ever met her is so thankful for her miraculous recovery that continues every day.
I would tell you about how I prayed long and hard and turned over a big decision in my life to God. How I feel saddened and upset still by knowing that I will no longer be in charge over several of the children I have had for the last two years next year. I asked to move from special education to a fourth grade classroom position, but did not get it. I looked online at the school I student taught at and contacted someone else about possible openings. I felt like I needed a change. But God turned me in a different direction. The openings in the school I student taught at were filled by the next day, openings were offered to others, and when thinking for a long time I realized that it might be okay to try out this new change and see how everything settles next year as so many other things change in the education world.
I would ask you if you had any summer plans and share with you my hopes of going on adventures to Metamora, Nashville Indiana, Bargersville, and hopefully to discover a few other new places. I'd tell you about how I just went to Midland Arts and Antiques for the first time and how HUGE the building was. It was full to the brim of old stuff and odds and ends that were mostly priced insanely high. I might even tell you about the lady that followed me to find out what perfume I was wearing and where I got it from LOL!
I'd tell you that in reflecting last night I realized this year has been a hard one. I lost a dear friend and former coworker to cancer, a former student to Cystic Fibrosis at only 15, had one of my "work mama's" retire, lost my cat of 17 years, and have had difficult changes take place in my school life that are still seeping to my core. This year has been rough- but I feel like my faith in God has grown stronger and my patience with myself. My house still looks like a beginning of hoarders :) not really, it's just clutter that needs put away, but I would not even try to convince you that I've become more domesticated or grown up. I still consider microwave mac and cheese a meal.
Anyway, when we were all done I might give you a hug... We would make plans to meet up again over the summer sometime and to keep in touch. We would smile and wave and drive back to our little lives to cook up new adventures for the rest of the day. And I would be thankful for having yet another amazing friend.
And... btw... I cannot figure out how to embed my pins now so that this has pictures.... :( Anybody got any hints to help a girl out?
I'm linking up to Alissa @
Thursday, June 6, 2013
Free Printables From Moi :)
Click and save the above images to print for your own PERSONAL use.
Images should print out at 8.5 x 11 size.
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