I found this bird through Google... he cracked me up because I related to him through my PMSing...

He made my facebook profile picture and needed to be made over for my bday:

My bday passed so he had to be made over for Easter:

Well, Monday is back to school for me.
Tomorrow is a flea market run and Olive Garden with Sarah.
I have 25 followers! That's a quarter of 100! I remember when I NEVER thought I'd even see double digits! Now I'm to 25! Maybe there are even some random readers out there following through Google Reader who aren't official yet?
Anyway, I have a tutorial (like super simple DUH I could do that, but still :P) to share with you soon. Any follower current or new as a random reader who becomes official that wants to comment is eligible to receive the project I'll be doing a tutorial on... stay tuned for your chance :).
Oh, and it has something to do with my new camera :).